Myth #1: Abortion is a
personal, private decision. Couldn’t be further from
the truth. It kills the poor baby. And it affects not just mom, but dad,
siblings, friends, and damages our relationships.
Men regret their lost
fatherhood. Men are hard-wired to love and protect, but abortion takes this
away. By law, he doesn’t even enter into the discussion. So there is anger at
not being able to stop it, but for many men, it is the shame of participating
in the abortion. So many boyfriends have taken their girlfriend to an
abortuary. And the relationship is damaged. They never talk about it ever
again. They isolate their pain. And there’s a lingering question: can we ever
be good parents again? Can we have sex? Usually, the relationship breaks down.
Grandparents suffer from
the loss of a grandchild, even if sometimes it’s the parents who drag their
daughter to the abortuary. But many times parents don’t even know until years
later and they mourn the loss.
Let’s talk about the
siblings. What’s it like for a child to realize that mom had an abortion?
Sibling survivors face some of the same trauma as soldier survivors. They have
guilt. They wonder if they could’ve done something to prevent the killing of
their baby brother or sister. They ask the question, “Why?” Mom says, “I didn’t
want …” So this means she wanted me, so I’m alive. What happens when she doesn’t
want me?
What does it mean to
grow up in a country where the baby in the womb is not protected? You are not
considered a person. It shakes your sense of security. Pro-choice people have
slogans like: Every child, a wanted child.
But that’s wrong. A child’s value should not depend on someone else. A child
has intrinsic value. We have two generations of abortion survivors.
Let’s talk about the
abortionists. Many have repented. Guess what? They got tired of killing. You
never get tired of saving lives.
You cannot dehumanize a
child without dehumanizing yourself. You cannot practice vice virtuously. Fr.
Pavone said that he was at the trial of Kermit Gosnell and the sad part is that
he is not the exception. The dirt and grime is the norm. The back alley is gone, but now we
just walk through the front door. But what happens inside is still the same.
Myth #2: Abortion is a
medical benefit/a medical procedure. Again, it cures no disease. Note:
pregnancy is not a disease. It does not advance the health of the mother. It
kills her baby. It’s an act of violence. And it damages the mother. “I regret
my abortion” is the litany of millions of women who’ve been devastated by it.
They live with the pain and guilt of taking their baby’s life; they lose trust
in relationships; and some women spiral into self-hatred and recrimination by
having multiple abortions. They want a replacement child, but then feel they do
not deserve one. And for many others, it is the cause of infertility. Abortion
harms the woman ALL the time.
Throughout this talk, I kept thinking how contraception also affects all of us negatively. It is not healthy to stop the normal cycling of a woman's body. It sterilizes our marriage (I give you everything but my fertility). Children miss the siblings they never had. How much more joy would we have had in our lives when I think of how much joy our two children have brought! And on a global scale, you can see the demographics changing. People aren't even replacing themselves. The anti-child culture is a death culture.
Throughout this talk, I kept thinking how contraception also affects all of us negatively. It is not healthy to stop the normal cycling of a woman's body. It sterilizes our marriage (I give you everything but my fertility). Children miss the siblings they never had. How much more joy would we have had in our lives when I think of how much joy our two children have brought! And on a global scale, you can see the demographics changing. People aren't even replacing themselves. The anti-child culture is a death culture.
Hope and Healing after Abortion
If you’ve been involved
in an abortion, either actively or passively, and are hurting and sorrowing, there
is help. Talk to your priest or rabbi or a counselor who respects life. These are just four healing national organizations for healing after abortion but there might be more local resources. Rachel’s Vineyard Project Rachel Sisters of life After Abortion
Pope Francis has
announced Jubilee Year of Mercy. Do not be afraid. The devil would like to make
you believe you are not worthy, but there is no sin that cannot be forgiven if
you truly repent.
I loved what Father
Pavone said. We are fighting from a place of victory. Christ is Risen. He has
conquered sin and death. Alleluia!
He celebrated Sunday
At this time of the year, with nature dying,
it is typical to read from about the end times. 

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