1. Do something pleasurable
2. Shed tears; groan or speak your sorrow
3. Rely upon the compassion of friends
4. Contemplate Truth
5. Sleep and take baths
I am sleeping and resting a lot (well more like writhing in pain and finally falling asleep). My prayer is reduced to crying and taking the name of Jesus. I ask for mercy. I offer this up. I give thanks. But oh Lord, when will this end?
It's hard to take pleasure right now, but writing affords me some, as well as the beautiful hymns and psalms that play in my head silently. I ask for your prayers to be strong and not give in to the pain. I already failed yesterday ... I have so much to learn about letting go of any and all expectations.
Looking at these pictures from the Christmas excursion in NC makes me happy.

That is a gorgeous pic of the river, w/the light streaming down like that. So sorry to hear things are not better yet for you, Vijaya. Will keep praying for you!
That's good advice in any century!
The happy photos are another good idea. (I look at tulip photos when I'm down.) I'd recommend listening to soothing music you enjoy, but that would probably cause more migraine pain. Hope you feel better soon!
Wow, not that I should be surprised, but St. Thomas really knew what he was talking about. Coincidentally, I've been feeling guilty about retreating upstairs for a warm bath most nights this rather difficult week--but now I have St. Thomas backing up my reasoning. :)
And you certainly have the compassion and prayers of friends. I've been offering my smaller difficulties for you.
Leandra, there's magic when you have water and sunshine. Thanks so much for your prayers.
Barb, thank you. Your tulips are gorgeous. About the only music I can bear to listen is Gregorian chant.
Faith, thank you so much. I'm glad you're taking some time to relax in a bath -- don't feel guilty. It's a directive straight from the Angelic Doctor.
So sorry to hear you are suffering, Vijaya. Glad you are able to enjoy pictures of happy times and find bits of peace in your day. I sincerely hope your pain will soon ease.
I'm sorry to hear this, too, Vijaya. I hope the pain will go away soon. The pictures are gorgeous.
You have my compassion and tears, Vijaya.
Thank you all so much. I am doing much better now.
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