1. Truth exists.
2. You can know it.
3. It's relationship to justice, which is the precursor of peace.
He offered some thoughts on higher education and how it has failed our children. There's such an emphasis on deconstruction, which is a good method for understanding the various bits; however, there is no rebuilding, reconstruction, and no search for the truth. It's good to question, but at what point does it become absurd? How do I know something is real? Catholic philosophy is based upon reality. If it conforms with reality, then it's true. And if something is true, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, it remains true. And I must admit, it's very difficult to discuss anything nowadays given how emotional everybody gets. Reason has been thrown out the window. People talk about being kind, but I have to wonder what kind of kindness is letting someone remain in sin or their delusions. Lord, help us all.
Good Shepherd Sunday is one of my favorites. And I will never forget how our Catholic community on Daniel Island began with the Good Shepherd Club. Within two years, we became a parish--St. Clare of Assisi. God is so good!
Good Shepherd Sunday is also devoted to praying for religious vocations and here our priest offered some thoughts and observation. Vocations arise from the following:
1. Good theology
2. Eucharistic Adoration--knowing and spending time in the Real Presence of God
3. Good understanding of what the priesthood is--offering Sacrifice of the Mass
4. Where the traditional Latin Mass is offered--liturgy reflects teachings of the Church
5. Knowing priests
6. Families open to the gift of children
7. Homeschooling--seminaries have 4x more men who were homeschooled than those educated in public or private schools.
Of course, no discussion of a religious vocation can be made without discernment and our priest offered some thoughts on it as well, which is good advice for all, not just those considering a religious vocation.
1. Can I picture myself doing this and being happy?
2. Test of time--if it is from God, it will endure the test of time.
3. Thinking about it. Duh. He recalls lying in bed on a hot summer evening with the window open (this was before air conditioners) and thinking about being a priest. And it occurred to him that no dove was going to fly in through a window to let him know for sure :)
4. Encouragement from others--friends and family who know you

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Harvesting the first of our lettuce! Yum! |

You're contemplating the most important. <3
Benny^ certainly knows the truth, he just lives it. He's like one of mine, our new cat Nougat, who's making me wonder how I will EVER write another novel. Maybe I shouldn't.
You're very blessed to have such a good preacher for your pastor. Thanks for sharing his wisdom and your own insights!
I'm stunned by the statistic about formerly-homeschooled seminarians. Does your priest have a reference for that? (Because I know a few priests and homeschooling families who'd be very interested.)
Have a blessed week and enjoy the first fruits of your garden! I'm envious. :)
Aw, Mirka, isn't it nice to be needed in such a visceral manner? You can do both! I often write with one hand, as I pet the cats with the other :)
Faith, our priest didn't mention the source but I remember reading something similar a while back. Let me see if I can pull it up: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/more-priestly-vocations-coming-from-catholic-homeschoolers-study It is impressive!
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