We have so much to celebrate! I thank God for making me a mother of these beautiful children. Locals, we tried a new place, Spero, and all their food was delicious. They had an interesting menu (complete with jokes) and lovely art on the walls. I highly recommend it, along with the little Cuban sandwicherie right next door. We are such food lovers and it was a little embarrassing to tell our waiter we hadn't yet tried many of the restaurants he mentioned. After all, the best place to eat is at Chez Bodach, which has a few culinary experiments bubbling. Michael made a small batch of kombucha. So refreshing! I also made a batch of kimchi. The weather is perfect for all this.
Max has been petting the cats every chance he gets. He was here only a week so these two scaredy cats were suspicious and kept him at arms length. Sigh. It's hard having a catless lap when we all love them so much. They are very relaxed now that he's off to WA-DC to intern with Congressman Mark Sanford. They connected during Max's senior year at Bishop England. It should be an interesting time for him.
I've been drooling over all the books for Max's history class. Our shelves are getting full again. I'd bought the dozen or so books he needed his first year but after he started classes, he sent me a long list of all sorts of classics. I've only read a couple of these. Although Michael and I received a university education, it wasn't nearly as rounded as the classical liberal education Max is receiving at Ave Maria University. We are just so thrilled with his growth and maturity. Michael and I dream of getting a little house there and sit in on some of these seminars. Of course, it'd be hard to leave Charleston. We are so very blessed to live and work here. Below some pictures from Ascension Thursday--so lovely to hear Mass at Stella Maris, and then head out to the beach. You can't beat this island living.
Beautiful bunch. May it always be as in this May.
Beautiful. Happy Mother's Day.
Thank you.
Love the pictures! You have a beautiful family.
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