I didn't grow up with a father and have sought other spiritual fathers--two of my favorites are St. Alphonsus and St. Padre Pio but the one whom I've always longed to know more about has been St. Joseph, chaste spouse of Mary, foster father of Jesus. I've read about the devotions some saints have had to St. Joseph and looking forward to putting myself into his care and protection. After all, he was the head and guardian of the Holy Family. The hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are completely united and it feels so right to complete this circle of consecrations. I begin tomorrow! Anyone else interested?
A Happy St. Valentine's Day to you all.
I didn't know you grew up without a father. Somehow this should make it into your fiction someday, I hope. Valentine <3 to you <3
My father was largely absent from my life, even now, sadly. I actually forgot him when he went to Germany. I was 3 or 4 at the time. He came to the US and we joined him for a year, went back to India. I really missed him. After we returned to the US 8 yrs later, my parents divorced. I didn't realize until just 5 yrs ago that of the Holy Trinity, I'm most close to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the Father remains distant. I think it came out in Bound. But I really want to explore fathers in fiction. They are so important to our growth.
My parents' divorce and my father leaving for a foreign land was the worst thing that happened to me, and until I was in my thirties I didn't even realize it. We share many things, Vijaya. But we married men who stayed, so we made lemonade.
Oh, Mirka, I didn't realize your sorrow until now. It takes a long time to heal from these hurts, even if we forgive the people who've hurt us. And I think it's a miracle that we both married men who are good husbands and fathers. We are blessed! Our children too!
I am also looking forward to reading Father's book. May God use the book, Vijaya, to speak directly to your heart.
Michael, I am loving this book so much and daily working on practicing his virtues. What an ideal husband and father--I want this in the hands of every man, young or old, because it's never too late to start. Btw, my sister is loving your Stirring Slumbering Souls book. God bless you.
Glad you were able to make lemonade as Mirka said. I lost my father at 20, so it's something that haunts me still. I haven't written directly about it, but around it (like my post today).
Oh Jenni, I am so sorry you lost your father so young and yes, some losses run deep. After my mother died, I felt very much like an orphan--I think this is why I gravitated towards Mary quite early in our conversion. And now is the time for St. Joseph! I hope and pray you too will find comfort and protection in him.
Praying for you.
God bless.
Thank you Viktor. God bless you.
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