Speaking of evil, ISIS is on my mind. They killed 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians. They were killed simply for their faith. They confessed Jesus as Lord God. They are martyrs and as you know the blood of martyrs is the seed of the church.
The Martyrs’ Names (taken from here)
2. Abanub Ayad Atiya
3. Maged Solaiman Shehata
4. Yusuf Shukry Yunan
5. Kirollos Shokry Fawzy
6. Bishoy Astafanus Kamel
7. Somaily Astafanus Kamel
8. Malak Ibrahim Sinweet
9. Tawadros Yusuf Tawadros
10. Girgis Milad Sinweet
11. Mina Fayez Aziz
12. Hany Abdelmesih Salib
13. Bishoy Adel Khalaf
14. Samuel Alham Wilson
15. Worker from Awr village
16. Ezat Bishri Naseef
17. Loqa Nagaty
18. Gaber Munir Adly
19. Esam Badir Samir
20. Malak Farag Abram
21. Sameh Salah Faruq

Pray for them. Ask them to pray for us, that we may have courage to fight evil. I think it's pretty clear. Either you are with Jesus or you are against. There is no sitting on the fence.
Oh, Mary, pray for us all and lead us to your Son.
I love this wooden carving of the Last Supper. It is a reminder that all the Apostles, save one, were martyred for the love of Jesus, the God-Man. Jesus established His Church on earth and not even the gates of hell shall prevail. ISIS has nothing.