Here are the rules:
1. Add the logo of your award to your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
I'm going to pull a Molly and not say anything on the blogs that I'm nominating, but folks, if you're reading my blog, go check these out:
1. itty bitty kitty committee -- I wrote about them earlier. If you need a kitten fix, check them out. Can you hear me say, "Aw!"
2. The Daily Coyote -- ditto as #1 except it's a coyote. More ooohs and aaaahs.
Are you wondering whether I'll ever have any writing blogs? Here they come ...
3. The Bookshelf Muse -- Angela and Becca have done an incredible service with their Emotion Thesauraus, and they've begun their Setting Thesaurus. Check it out.
4. Random Thoughts -- Bish has the most interesting thoughts, though they don't seem random at all. I've learned much about island life from her.
4a. Freefall -- Anna Levine has a new book and a new blog. And I'm learning a bit more about her daily life in Israel.
5. Revision Notes -- Darcy Pattison is an incredible teacher. Read her blog. Read her books.
6. Planet Esme -- Thoughtful, insightful book reviews and more by Esme Raji Codell.
And now I depart from writing blogs to ...
7. The Doctor Is In -- A physician looks at medicine, religion, politics, pets, & passion in life. That subheading on Dr. Bob's blog says everything. Some day I hope to be able to articulate as well.
I know I cheated, but hey, rules are meant to be broken ... Besides many of the blogs that I read regularly have already gotten the love. Probably some of these as well.
Happy reading folks. And remember to keep writing as well.