Last night I made a wicked spicy chicken curry, one my mother would've loved. It's her birthday today and I am thankful that even though she had a short life, she lived long enough to teach me the important things. Not that I always listened to her. Far from it. I mean, I was the kid that got a spanking almost every day for something or the other from the time I turned six until I was twelve. Still, as my good friend Jen Heger puts it, I might not remember the words, but I sure do remember the tune. So I've learned to trust in the Lord, be thankful for what I have, and be more generous. I am more like my mother now than I ever thought I'd be, and I'm sure this must please her immensely. It makes me happy.
I am preparing for Thanksgiving, my favorite American holiday, with its focus on thanks and giving. I have a grateful heart. I am blessed beyond my hopes and dreams. Thank you to all who read these words that I put out in cyberspace. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for writing me privately. I hope you shall all have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family.
This is also the time when I turn more inward -- something about preparing for Christ's arrival does that to me and at heart I'm an Easter gal -- so Advent takes on almost the same quality as Lent.
Finally, my Internet connection has been very spotty these past couple of days, so if you're waiting for a reply, hang in there. Perhaps the Universe is telling me to focus on my novel ...
Adios amigos y amigas. If I don't touch base before the New Year, let me wish you all a most blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas.