My sister and I have been remembering this week 28 years ago most vividly. But it is funny which details we both remember. I remember my mother telling me to get married to that nice boy Michael :) Best advice ever. Did I listen? Heck no. I was too busy being independent. That's me, at age 19, at his parent's house, around the time when my mom first got sick and was being treated for an ulcer. If I could roll my eyes, I would. She had stomach cancer. It's completely curable if caught early. Did you know you can live without your stomach? You just have to nibble throughout the day.
The Sunday before (18th) was the last we spoke to our mother. She was hospitalized and you cannot imagine the relief of not being the 24/7 caregivers. I'd stop by the hospital on my way home from school and spend some time combing her hair or holding her hand. She was unresponsive, in a deep sleep, possibly a coma, her breath shallow but even. I wondered if she was aware of my presence. I didn't think to pray for her. But earlier, she had told me that she had seen her father and her little son, both whom had died many years earlier, so I knew she would be escorted by her most loved people to the throne of God. I thought all this even as an atheist. Strange, no, to believe in an afterlife and a God when you don't have a personal relationship with Him? But I had no concerns, no thought of heaven or hell per se ...
It is only now that I offer prayers for her soul should she need them, for a soul in heaven has no need of our prayers. And I am sure that not a single prayer goes wasted for she will use a prayer for those who need it the most. But deep in my heart, I feel she has reached heaven. I do wish that people wouldn't instantly make everybody a saint at funerals. I know it is probably to make the family feel better, but the best thing we can do for our beloved dead is to offer prayers for them. I remember reading the text of the Requiem Mass the first time and saw that even the Agnus Dei, we pray only for the deceased. And so, I'll be offering a prayer for all our beloved dead. Requiescat in pace, Ai. I am deeply grateful for everything you've done for me, both here on earth and in heaven. And I hope you will come to escort me when it is my time.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Civil Rights and the New Civil Rights
Joyce and Carol write Talking Story and this month they're talking about civil rights ... and guess who introduced a few books? We were also going to talk about To Kill a Mockingbird but that would ruin the alliteration ...
I've been reading a lot about diversity and gay rights and how it's the new civil rights movement but something doesn't ring true. It all *seems* very Christian to embrace everything and everybody but if we say everything is good and true, then really, nothing is.
How can the Indian practice of female infanticide be good? Or the Muslim practice of having four wives? Or homosexual relations? If you subscribe to a Christian worldview, these and many other things are NOT good.
I want my children to know about other cultures and religions. Yes! But I want them to know their own, so they can know the difference between right and wrong, and have the courage to stand up for what is right, to fight for and defend the Truth.
What is truth? Pilate asked that of Jesus.
We are living in an age where people speak of my truth and your truth and it is hogwash. Truth is simply how it is. The reality. And I am afraid that today we choose to have blinders. Diversity and multiculturalism are the new religion and it sounds nice and inclusive, but it is eroding our sense of right and wrong. But look deep into your heart. Truth is written upon your heart. You know it is wrong to kill.
The new civil rights issue is the right to live.
You do not have to be a Christian to know this. However, religion imposes a morality that sometimes the legal system fails to. The US Supreme Court made a grave error in not defending the life of the most vulnerable Jan. 22, 1973. Nearly 60 million babies have perished since then in the US alone. These are our children.
It is the Christian sense of the dignity of every human being that eventually abolished slavery, that gave women their rights, that promoted equal rights for different races and it is the Christian who protects the unborn, the infirm, and the destitute.
Jan. 22 is a day of penance in the US. Let us all fast and pray to end abortion.
ETA: The Supreme Court will be meeting again to rule on marriage. Let us pray they do not make another massive blunder by saying marriage is constitutionally protected between anybody. It will mean the death of families.
As always Msgr. Pope writes with wisdom and eloquence on all matters. Please read his reflection for today:
I've been reading a lot about diversity and gay rights and how it's the new civil rights movement but something doesn't ring true. It all *seems* very Christian to embrace everything and everybody but if we say everything is good and true, then really, nothing is.
How can the Indian practice of female infanticide be good? Or the Muslim practice of having four wives? Or homosexual relations? If you subscribe to a Christian worldview, these and many other things are NOT good.
I want my children to know about other cultures and religions. Yes! But I want them to know their own, so they can know the difference between right and wrong, and have the courage to stand up for what is right, to fight for and defend the Truth.
What is truth? Pilate asked that of Jesus.
We are living in an age where people speak of my truth and your truth and it is hogwash. Truth is simply how it is. The reality. And I am afraid that today we choose to have blinders. Diversity and multiculturalism are the new religion and it sounds nice and inclusive, but it is eroding our sense of right and wrong. But look deep into your heart. Truth is written upon your heart. You know it is wrong to kill.
You do not have to be a Christian to know this. However, religion imposes a morality that sometimes the legal system fails to. The US Supreme Court made a grave error in not defending the life of the most vulnerable Jan. 22, 1973. Nearly 60 million babies have perished since then in the US alone. These are our children.
It is the Christian sense of the dignity of every human being that eventually abolished slavery, that gave women their rights, that promoted equal rights for different races and it is the Christian who protects the unborn, the infirm, and the destitute.
Jan. 22 is a day of penance in the US. Let us all fast and pray to end abortion.
ETA: The Supreme Court will be meeting again to rule on marriage. Let us pray they do not make another massive blunder by saying marriage is constitutionally protected between anybody. It will mean the death of families.
As always Msgr. Pope writes with wisdom and eloquence on all matters. Please read his reflection for today:
Friday, January 16, 2015
On Celebrating
Harry and George came to visit me for my birthday. They were NOT invited. I showed them the door, but they brought in their bags instead ... Talk about a blue birthday. Maybe it's the awful gray and rain and cold. Maybe it's Harry who refuses to leave. Maybe it's because I couldn't go to Mass. Maybe, maybe ... nothing. But I sure was sucked deep into my navel ... woe is me.
Fortunately, my good husband had ordered an antidote and it arrived shortly:
This is a censer for burning frankincense! I couldn't wait to get a hot coal in it and dump some frankincense on top! I couldn't wait to pray the rosary! Holy smokes! I love having a churchy smell at home. And in spite of Harry and all the other annoyances in my life, the blues went pffftt. So I'll state the obvious: prayer is the answer to everything. Whether in a good state or bad, happy or sad. Prayer.
I have a couple of other antidotes. I am savoring Joseph Pearce's Literary Converts. What an amazing book! To get a peek into the spiritual lives of these literary giants strengthens my own beliefs. I am looking up little known books by some of my favorite writers, as well as being introduced to some of their friends. My newest discovery is Robert Hugh Benson. And the best part is that many of these older works are now available as Kindle editions for only a couple of bucks. Over Christmas holidays I made a serious dent in my physical reading pile, so I'm thankful I don't have to worry about the electronic pile toppling over.

I am also typing my stories (and this blog post) with these lovely mink cashmere gloves. I have to remind myself to put them in my drawer. Um, I really do work and not just pet the cat all day long ... As you can see, I am quite good at celebrating each and every day. Do you?
Fortunately, my good husband had ordered an antidote and it arrived shortly:
This is a censer for burning frankincense! I couldn't wait to get a hot coal in it and dump some frankincense on top! I couldn't wait to pray the rosary! Holy smokes! I love having a churchy smell at home. And in spite of Harry and all the other annoyances in my life, the blues went pffftt. So I'll state the obvious: prayer is the answer to everything. Whether in a good state or bad, happy or sad. Prayer.
I am also typing my stories (and this blog post) with these lovely mink cashmere gloves. I have to remind myself to put them in my drawer. Um, I really do work and not just pet the cat all day long ... As you can see, I am quite good at celebrating each and every day. Do you?
Monday, January 12, 2015
Book Baby is Here!
I got a heavy box in the mail ... I didn't know what it was until I lugged it up the stairs. And how sweet it was to open it up! Ten colorful eggs waiting to hatch.
I suppose I should think about book promotion ... and I have been. No launch party ... though the due date in bookstores is Jan. 27th. Holy smokes, that's only a couple of weeks away. I am planning on going to my local indie store and buying it! I've never had the pleasure of seeing my books in a shop because most of my books have been for the school and library market. I would love if you'd send me photos of Ten Easter Eggs in the wild!!! Better yet, in the hands of your kiddos.
I'd appreciate some help getting the word out. Here are some ways:
1. Ask your public library to order it.
2. Talk to your school librarian about getting a copy.
3. Talk to teachers about using this in preK-1 classrooms.
4. Buy it for your kids or your friends' kids to use at home.
5. Talk/blog about it -- cheep, cheep, cheep. Talk is cheap!
6. Review it.
Most books have a shelf life of two years. My hope is that Ten Easter Eggs will stay in print for many, many years so that even your grandchildren will have a chance to read and count the chicks as they hatch. Thank you for helping me spread the word.
I will do my part by doing some local school and library visits. This is something I'm comfortable doing and I'm excited to do this particular math workshop with a real book and not just a manuscript. Plastic eggs and treats will be involved!
I suppose I should think about book promotion ... and I have been. No launch party ... though the due date in bookstores is Jan. 27th. Holy smokes, that's only a couple of weeks away. I am planning on going to my local indie store and buying it! I've never had the pleasure of seeing my books in a shop because most of my books have been for the school and library market. I would love if you'd send me photos of Ten Easter Eggs in the wild!!! Better yet, in the hands of your kiddos.
I'd appreciate some help getting the word out. Here are some ways:
1. Ask your public library to order it.
2. Talk to your school librarian about getting a copy.
3. Talk to teachers about using this in preK-1 classrooms.
4. Buy it for your kids or your friends' kids to use at home.
5. Talk/blog about it -- cheep, cheep, cheep. Talk is cheap!
6. Review it.
Most books have a shelf life of two years. My hope is that Ten Easter Eggs will stay in print for many, many years so that even your grandchildren will have a chance to read and count the chicks as they hatch. Thank you for helping me spread the word.
I will do my part by doing some local school and library visits. This is something I'm comfortable doing and I'm excited to do this particular math workshop with a real book and not just a manuscript. Plastic eggs and treats will be involved!
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
The Wise Still Seek Him
Adoration of the Magi by Murillo |
This version of We Three Kings from Kings College is so beautiful. If you are in the mood, just let the mix of Christmas music play!
Friday, January 2, 2015
New Year's Goals
I love this time of the year ... it reminds me of Rainer Maria Rilke's quote: And now we welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been.
I think last year was the first year I didn't make many goals ... I was too sick for the first couple of months and it took a couple more to get used to the new medication to control the migraines. But they've worked out well, thank God. I remember how pleased I'd be with myself if I wrote anything those first few months. My daily goals persist: Read Bible, Pray, Write, Walk. But this year I want to be more intentional about not wasting precious time and staying focused on fewer projects so that I complete them. I get distracted with shiny new ideas ALL the time. Oh, look, a bird!
Marcia Hoehne has a lovely post on New Year's Words. Last year it was Patience ... and it was exactly what I needed to cultivate in all aspects of my life, including writing. The year before it was Fiat!
This year's word came to me sometime mid-Dec. It is Clarity. As I prepared my goals for this year, I had a clearer sense of purpose. I want to begin work on a new novel and of course, with two of them clamoring for attention, I need clarity to decide which one to focus on so that I can finish. Earlier there were three, so I'm making progress :) And there are always the short projects. I doubt I could ever give those up ... there is an incomparable joy in having a perfect little poem or story. They're like these photos -- capturing moments I want to remember.
I am looking forward to turning 50. If my 40s were wracked with the joys and pains of turning to Jesus, I cannot imagine what living in His Word is going to bring. He has already given me a peace that I cannot explain.
I want to walk more on the beach! I hope these photos taken by Max and Dagny inspire you too. Wishing you all a happy and healthful New Year, filled with all God's blessings upon you.
Sunset by Dagny |
Sunset by Max |
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