Monday, October 14, 2024

One Hour for My Priest

I am so excited to share with you the newest book from our critique group: One Hour for My Priest by Tina Jost. It is a prayer companion for when we offer an hour of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament for our beloved priests, without whom we wouldn't have the Mass or the Holy Eucharist. We began this practice a couple of years ago through the Seven Sister Apostolate and I cannot even begin to express to you the shower of graces, not only upon the priests we pray for, but in our own lives. I've known Tina since we moved to Charleston--she brought us a most delicious lasagna--and one of the things I discovered is that not only is she a fantastic cook, but a prayer warrior extraordinaire. I can always ask her to pray for an intention and when I feel weak and discouraged, I can rely on her to pray for me. I am so blessed to have a network of strong prayerful women in my life.

So, when Tina showed me some of the prayers she was writing during her Holy Hour, I knew she had to make these available for the rest of us. It's not easy making a Holy Hour for a single person. Too many concerns distract and when the mind wanders it's so helpful to have a book to turn to. Tina's prayer companion can easily be adapted for anyone you want to make a Holy Hour for or for your own self. It is going to become a permanent resident of my Adoration bag to help me turn my thoughts on Him instead of the responsibilities of the day. A Holy Hour is one of the greatest gifts in this life.

I'm also excited that I get to share a few copies at the Marian Eucharistic Conference. Our critique group--Charleston Christian Writers--has purchased a table. We hired Gabriel Shahid to make a banner for us and we just love how beautifully he rendered our vision. We also made flyers--yes, we are learning to do what we can to share our books! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October Saints

Busy month...but with lots of celebrations. October also has the feast of our Holy Guardian Angels (I have a great devotion to mine and wrote about it: My Guardian Dear | Vijaya Bodach | Shalom Tidings) and one of my favorite saints--the Little Flower of Lisieux, Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Her Story of a Soul is a classic, one that made me fall in love with her and her "Little Way." 

We had lovely High Masses and a procession for the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary. It is the easiest prayer and allows one to contemplate the life of our Lord. Our pastor often reminds us about how when people are old and have forgotten everything, they can still recite an Ave Maria. The first half is from Scripture: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. And the second is a petition--Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Prayer is what is needed in these terrible times we are facing right now. Wars. Natural disasters. Government incompetence and corruption. Election.

Fr. Chad Ripperger has penned a prayer for the upcoming election: Mary Immaculate, living tabernacle of the Divinity, where the eternal Wisdom lies hidden to be adored and served by angels and men, Queen of heaven and of earth, beneath whose sway are subject all things that are lower than God, Patroness of the United States of America, sorrowful and mindful of our own sinfulness and the sins of our nation, we come to Thee, our refuge and hope. Knowing that our country cannot be saved by our own works and mindful of how much our nation has departed from the ways of Thy Son, we humbly ask that Thou wouldst turn Thine eyes upon our country to bring about its conversion. We consecrate to Thee the integrity of the upcoming election and its outcome, so that what is spiritually and morally best for the citizens of our country may be accomplished, and that all of those who are elected would govern according to the spiritual and moral principles which will bring our nation into conformity with the teachings of Thy Son. Give grace to the citizens of this land so that they will choose leaders according to the Sacred Heart of Thy Son, that His glory may be made manifest, lest we be given the leaders we deserve. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and Thy maternal care, we have perfect confidence that Thou wilt take care of us and will not leave us forsaken. O Mary Immaculate, pray for us. Amen.