Friday, December 30, 2022

The Christmas Octave

I hope everybody is having a lovely Christmas holiday. Today is the feast of the Holy Family. The Lord could've come into this world any way, but He chose to come in poverty as a defenseless Baby, in a human family, thereby sanctifying family life. I know it's not always easy being part of a family--my own was fractured--and I'm away from home to help with my brother's. It's not easy, but I keep the hope that the Lord will bind up our wounds, heal us, and make us whole again. Please pray for us. 

Despite the winter storm, my sister-in-law, my niece, and my sister and brother-in-law made it over for Christmas. It was good to be all together. The future is uncertain, but we place our trust in the Lord Jesus, that He will resolve everything according to His will. I live by Romans 8:28.    

I got some lovely mail--The Visitation by Gandolfi from a dear friend and a postcard from Dagny. It makes being apart from loved ones easier. This year I missed sending out cards, but I look forward to reading the Christmas letters when I am home. 


Mirka Breen said...

Sending healing wishes and best to you and all of yours

Vijaya said...

Thank you so much Mirka. Blessings to you for the New Year!