Thursday, July 18, 2024

All My Pets in the Summer Edition

So fun to see ALL my pets in the summer edition! I tell you, I'd be so sad if we didn't have the kitties. They missed me so much while we were gone that Jules has taken to sleeping with me all night long. Poor Michael, less space for him in the bed. Oh, the sacrifices he makes. Good man! We're enjoying the heat and humidity and cool ocean breezes! Isn't my shadow amazingly tall?  

Monday, July 15, 2024

Writer Sanctum Book Fair

Summertime is for reading! Check out the wide variety of books from the self-publishing (SP) forum--Writer Sanctum--I belong to here: — A.L. Hawke ( and happy reading! If you are interested in publishing your own books, this is the place to be. The members are interesting and gracious and fantastic storytellers!

Friday, July 12, 2024


July is the month of the Precious Blood and we remember at every Mass that when St. Longinus speared our Lord's Sacred Heart, Water and Blood poured out, bathing us in Love and Mercy. Yes, His Blood reconciles us to the Father. We are made white as snow, our sins forgotten. I can come confidently to the throne of the Father, knowing His Son has paid the price for me. 

We've just returned from a road trip for a family reunion in Texas and I've already had a chance to celebrate two wonderful saints--St. Maria Goretti (July 6), St. Benedict (July 11)--and excited about these feast days coming up. I remember the last time we made a road trip to visit my brother: to Memphis. We got to celebrate the Feast of Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus (July 29) at EWTN. Oh, thanks be to God for everything!