Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Videos from Wedding

Family and friends took some videos... Enjoy!!!



Mirka Breen said...

Watching the couple dance and later their community's send-off, I was thinking--may they be blessed with children <3

Vijaya said...

Thank you for these blessings! This time next year, I could be a grandmother :) We played Sunrise Sunset for the father-daughter dance (that will not load, I don't know why) but it teared me up. How quickly they grow up.

Barbara Etlin said...

These are wonderful. Before our wedding, my best friend (my maid of honour), sat at our piano and played "Sunrise, Sunset." :-)

Vijaya said...

That's so lovely, Barb! I love Fiddler on the Roof and the songs are all so poignant.