Thursday, October 11, 2012


My daughter brought home a pretty red envelope from school. Imagine my surprise and delight at seeing a stack of thank you notes from school children (Grades 5-8). I did a little writing workshop for them the day before. Never before have I received such heartfelt appreciation from the students. My heart is full. Grateful. They especially loved the quote from Patti Gauch: A writer's heart must beat. A reader's heart must hear it. I can hear some of their hearts on the page.


Marcia said...

And in such beautiful penmanship!

What a lovely sheaf of notes to treasure.

Mirka Breen said...

I would be tempted to make a collage and frame it, as a reminder of why we do what we do, and *who we do it for*.
Lovely, Viajya.

Lisa Fowler said...

In this day of texts and e-mails its so extremely encouraging to see students still writing in long hand. Kudos to the students and kudos to their teacher.
Blessings, Lisa

Lisa Fowler said...

In this day of texts and e-mails its so extremely encouraging to see students still writing in long hand. Kudos to the students and kudos to their teacher.
Blessings, Lisa

Faith E. Hough said...

That's wonderful! I'm glad you were able to do the workshop for them, and help them love to write!

pollypoet said...

Wow, Vijaya, thanks for sharing this! You've warmed ALL our hearts today.
Peace, Paula

Niki Schoenfeldt said...

That is fabulous Vijaya! Thanks for sharing.

Amy Houts said...

Those are precious!

Linda A. said...

What a wonderful "thank you."

Linda A.

Vijaya said...

Thank you all for stopping by to share my joy. Yes, isn't it wonderful to see such penmanship. All credit goes to this *old-fashioned* school with dedicated teachers. They are wonderful.

Joyce Moyer Hostetter said...

Oh, so gorgeous! Patti Gauch has the best quotes, doesn't she?

Ann Eisenstein said...

What a great honor! You are an inspiration, Vijaya

Carol Baldwin said...

Glad you had such a positive experience. There's nothing like teaching students who "get it" to make you want to write and teach more!!

Anonymous said...

Children are the best critics... unbiased and truthful. Tribute indeed, Vijaya! I'm so proud and happy for you.

Vijaya said...

Thank you, ladies. Yes, Patti Gauch left a deep impression on me. Much of her advice lingers ... and it's great to share it. And these kids were fabulous, and many asked if I'll come back to do another workshop. You bet!

Christina Farley said...

wow. That is so sweet. I've always thought how special a handwritten note is. Especially these days.

Anonymous said...

And drawings! Purty fla'ars! Thanks for sharing, Vijaya!

Vijaya said...

As much as I love the speed of email, nothing beats a handwritten note. The drawings are extra-special.