Thursday, August 29, 2019

And Off They Go!

I bid goodbye yesterday to these three loves of mine as they headed down to Ave Maria, FL. Michael called last night to let me know they arrived and are super-excited. Dagny has orientation today and Max, being a returning student, will check in over the weekend. The earlier the better. I see, another, unwelcome guest--Dorian! Not again. I hope and pray for all in Dorian's path to remain safe.

We've had a wonderful time together and with their friends, old and new, though it was much too short. Ah time, it just keeps marching forward!   


I got teary tidying up the kids' rooms and doing their laundry, but so happy they get to grow not only intellectually, but also in their faith. We are thankful for the scholarships they've received in support of Catholic education. I'm doing the usual--praying, reading, writing, singing, cat-watching, dog-walking. The critters (aren't they pretty though?) are decimating our garden but we've had a good crop. There's enough for everybody. The peppers are still bountiful.

A picture of calm, no? St. John the Baptist, patron of my blog, pray for us. 


Mirka Breen said...

They'll be back <3
Meanwhile, hold fort as the fall storms begin so you can be ready when the kiddos return...

Vijaya said...

Yes! Christmas holidays are only 4 mo away.

Faith E. Hough said...

I can only imagine that day!!! But you must be really proud of both of them. And how great that they'll be together. At first I though I wanted to be more independent/individual, but I'm very glad I got to share a year at college with my brother; we grew a lot closer throughout!

Vijaya said...

Faith, I'm so glad they're together too. I've noticed how much more they enjoy being together (without us :) I am proud of them. So thankful for all God's graces that's brought them this far. I pray for them to grow in wisdom and virtue.