Saturday, September 21, 2024

Bountiful Garden

We've been enjoying the fruits of the garden and what a delightful surprise to see this beautiful flower from the turmeric plant. It's our first time to grow it and I can't wait to until we can have fresh turmeric. We discovered it at the farmer's market last year so decided to grow our own. I make a tonic with ginger, garlic, onion, turmeric, rosemary, pepper and sea-salt in apple-cider vinegar and it's so convenient adding it to bone broth or any dish really to liven it up. Another new plant that I'm loving in my salads is purslane--the leaves have a peppery taste.

Here's Michael amongst the ginger. I love ginger--my mother used to make a dried ginger candy that we kept in our pockets (she sewed pockets in all our dresses) and it was such a treat to find a forgotten one. Here we are celebrating another birthday! Dagny got him this lovely Viking mead inspired by Kristin Lavransdatter, which he just finished, and which I've begun and loving it (alas, it's too heavy to rest on the cat). I'm blessed to have a husband who can not only bring home the bacon, but cook it. If he could, he'd grow the bacon :)


Sue said...

What a cool flower!

Carol Soisson said...

Happy birthday, Michael!

Mirka Breen said...

The unexpected blooms are the best reminders that we never know what's around the corner. Beautiful visuals at your home <3

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Hi Vijaya, thanks for visiting my blog and I'm happy to return the favor and also to start following your blog. It appears we have a lot in common and I look forward to more of your posts.

Vijaya said...

Sue and Mirka, I love these unexpected treasures.
Carol, thank you! It's been such a wonderful month and I'm so happy Michaelmas falls on a Sunday this year--we're celebrating it with High Masses!
Karen, how lovely to see you here. I love how kindred spirits find each other in the blogosphere.