April 11th, 2009 is seared into my memory -- we became new creations in Christ. I will always be Catholic, just like I will always be a wife and mother. And so it is with great fondness I read this
article by Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Yes, we're on fire! We're fools for Christ! We're crazy in love! All thanks to God!
I looked back in my archives, but see I didn't write much then. Too much to process. But a couple of years later, I did write a condensed conversion account, which was published in Catholic Digest. Here it is:
Happy very special Anniversary of your re-birth, Vijaya.
A most happy and blessed Anniversary!
Thank you both.
Hi Vijaya!
Met you in Lin's lab 20 years ago-- you took me in after my B&B reservation expired. Glad to see you are well.
A voice from my past! Amy! I have never forgotten you! I remember the raspberry-sweets you sent us for tea! Please write to me and let me know what trouble you're up to.
I tried to email you but it bounced!
my email is amy@grantsport.com. Would love to catch up.
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